My Story

Hi! My name is Sophie and I'm Founder of Lion Lotus.

When I was a child my aspirations were to be a traveller sailing the seas and living in Africa with the lions, an entrepreneur/business woman creating beautiful things and selling them, and to to sing and make music.

At ten years old we moved from a terraced house in Oxfordshire to a derelict farm in south Wales.  The house had not been lived in for 25 years.  There were holes in the roof and a tree growing out of the pantry!  For the first year or two whilst renovating the house we lived in one of the outbuildings. 

You are beautiful, you are enough.

This was a barn with no doors and we moved in in September. Luckily it was filled with warm hay.

We cooked our food on fires and washed in the river. We played rough-and-tumble to keep warm. We carried our water up from the spring daily in buckets. We had no electricity. No running water. No TV. No toilet. And today I consider all of this to be one of my greatest blessings. 

From my experience, joy arises from living in sync with nature. Eating food planted by your own hands, watching the changing of the seasons, living under the sky and on the earth with an appreciation for each of the elements and how intrinsic they are to our existence.

I went to university at 18 and studied Geography and Art History.  I spent most of my time at The Hifi Club, a Funk, Soul and Jazz venue and fell in love with music in a new way.

Deep inside, for different reasons, I was unhappy.  I knew that there was more to life.

At the age of 21 I packed my bags, left my mobile phone at home, and headed off to India.  There, in the midst of drinking whisky and partying my way through the subcontinent, my spirit led me to a beautiful teacher who introduced me to meditation and natural health. That same day I stopped smoking and took my first step on the path to self-discovery, love, Dharma and a commitment to celebrate life and live it to the fullest.  For his blessings and teachings and those of many others who have lit my path along the way and walked beside me, I am eternally grateful.

Over the following 20 years, I have been supported and uplifted by my meditation practice, as well as discovering and exploring many healing modalities and self care rituals.  These continue to enrich and open my experience of life in beautiful and nourishing ways.  It is to these home-coming practices and the loving wisdom that has been shared with me, that I return again and again as I rise and fall and rise again on this journey of life.

After returning from India, I worked in business and sales in the pampering industry, running and motivating sales teams for nearly two decades.  For me, Sales is about tuning into the needs, wants and desires of whoever is in front of me, providing a safe space for them to open up, and offering them a beneficial solution if I have one.

Motivation is about recognising and validating exactly where someone is right now, getting clear on where they would love to be, helping them to define a path and strategy to reach that destination, and providing them with support, encouragement and love as they walk that path. 

 You are cared for, you are accepted.

Whilst it had its challenges, I loved and benefitted from this period of my life. , and it has certainly provided me with incredible tools which I now use in my heart-lead business.  

About five years ago, like many women reaching a certain age, my heart started to yearn for more. What once ignited me and inspired me, now felt like an old itchy jumper that no longer fit. Ideas around supporting women on their healing journey, returning to natural femininity and nature connection started to bubble up from deep inside of me.  

My feet hungered to walk barefoot on the earth. To rise with the sun and sit round the fire at night singing songs and telling stories. To use my hands to make things and to listen to the whispers of my heart.

These ideas excited me and terrified me in equal measure! Who was I to do these things? 

Yet I decided to listen. I invested in myself and trained in Intuitive Business, Habit Coaching, Feminine Embodiment, Natural Shamonism, Heart-Lead Communication, Running Retreats, Foraging, Nature Connection, Elemental Healing and more. 

I moved to the country to a beautiful cottage with a fireplace, and bought a small piece of land which I’m in the process of turning into a gorgeous mini sanctuary to revive weary hearts. I created Lion Lotus so that I can spend my days out in nature and joyful connection, and provide opportunities for others to heal, follow their hearts and create a life of joy and abundance.   It’s taken digging really deep into my self worth and the courage to face many fears to step forward.  And it is SO worth it.  

Today, whilst I still consider myself a beginner, and an eternal student of life, it is my joy and honour to share with you what I have learnt along the way, support you in reconnecting with sweet nature within and without, do more of what you Love, and help you to rediscover the beauty in life - Your Life. 

I can honestly tell you:

  You are worth it

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